iOS News
Is your AppDelegate.m cluttered with a lot of initialization
code? There is a better way to organize all that code with launchOptions
parameter. Great article from Mattt on different launchOption keys and code
snippets on how to use it.
We all have spent numerous hours going back and forth
arranging pixels and waiting for the app to build and look for the output on
simulator. Ole has worked out a way with the help of Classy, Masonry and
ClassyLiveLayout to see live edits in the simulator.
Great overview of Core Bluetooth APIs and best practices.
iOS 7 made some great additions to the Core Bluetooth API and with iBeacon
using Bluetooth LE under the hood, Apple is surely going to make more additions
to it in the future versions.
UI Dynamics is the newly added library to iOS 7 that allow
you to add real-world inspired interactions to your UI. Mehfuz Hossein
step-by-step shows how to create a simple slide-out menu with UI Dynamics.
Definitely check it out if you havent yet used UI Dynamics in your app.
Goes without saying, debugging is the most time consuming
thing we do as a programmer. XCPretty library helps you format Xcode build log
so you can clearly look at the error messages rather than reading between the
Logo matters, it gives the first visual identity to your
app. Its worth looking into logo creation from every perspective. Take a look
at 11 of those perspectives in this great visual post.
Dragging things from one side of the screen to another is
painful and even more so when its on a touch screen. Dave makes a good case for
using touchable interface rather than drag & drop.
Business and Marketing
Software Developer Dennis Reimann lists his reasons for
switching to a freemium model for your apps. Interesting read which discusses
the growing Freemium model and the App stores tendency to leave
"demo" version of apps behind in search rankings.
When words can only go so far, its up to you to screenshot
the essence of your app for the respective store. Use this guide to make sure
the pictures of your app are at their best.
Android News
Ever given thought to what the programming of tomorrow will
look like? An Android developer walks us through a sample of what its like to
develop for Google Glass.
Want to allow users to limit your app access to certain
profiles? Gabriele has written a great post on how to accomplish it. Netflix
just started doing it, you should too!
If you are like me you probably hate writing tests. But its
good to know your options just in case. Wiebe walks through four different
functional testing frameworks in this post.
When words just wont do the trick you can use this
collection of icons for relaying hand motions for user navigation. Fast,
functional, and free.
Cross-Platform development is sometimes considered the way
to go but developing the app and designing it can be worlds apart. This post
aims to eek developers into consideration regarding the vastly different UIs of
the standard iOS and Android App.
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