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Creating a custom user model in Python-Django to extend the functionality of the built-in user model

Written By Mitul Nakum on Thursday, January 12, 2023 | 10:50 AM

Creating a custom user model in Django allows you to extend the functionality of the built-in user model and add additional fields or methods to it. This can be useful for adding extra information about the user or for customizing the authentication process.

Here are the steps to create a custom user model in Django:

Create a new model that inherits from the built-in AbstractBaseUser or AbstractUser classes.

You can add any additional fields you need to this model.

Create a custom manager for the new model that inherits from BaseUserManager or UserManager.

Set the AUTH_USER_MODEL setting in your Django project's file to the custom user model.

Create a custom form that inherits from the built-in forms.UserCreationForm or forms.UserChangeForm and adjust it to work with the custom user model.

Add to your custom manager the functions like create_user,create_superuser, etc.. that are used to create the new user in the DB

Update the views and templates to use the custom form and custom user model.

It's important to note that after changing the User model, the data may not be retrieved from the database in the case of ManyToMany fields, so you need to run the command python makemigrations --empty to create an empty migration file and modify it to specify how the data should be handled.

It's worth noting that this is more advanced customisation and more care should be taken to ensure that the custom user model behaves as expected in all cases. It's always recommended to have a backup of the data and test thoroughly. 

About Mitul Nakum

15+ years of experience in mobile application development which includes Symbian, J2ME, Android and iOS development


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